Certain Fields Empty
Please check and ensure all fields are filled.
Password Not Recovered
Sorry, your password could not be recovered. Please contact the administrator.
New Password Sent
Please check with your administrator for your new password.
No Such Username Found
Please ensure that you have keyed in the correct username.
Login Failed
Please check and ensure your username and password are correct.
Certain Fields Empty
Please check and ensure all fields are filled.
Password Too Short
Please use a longer password.
Password is an NRIC
Please do not use an NRIC as a password.
Invalid Name
Please check and ensure that the First Name and Last Name fields do not contain numbers.
Invalid Email
Please check and ensure that you have keyed in your email address correctly.
Username Taken
This username has been taken. Please choose another username or check if your account has already been set up.
First and Last Name Taken
First name and last name already taken. Please check if your account has already been set up.
Failed to Add User
Add user failed. Please check all fields are entered correctly and try again.
Successfully Added User
The user's account has been added successfully.
The user's account has been removed successfully.
User Not Logged In
Please log in using your account.
Successfully Logged Out
You have logged out successfully.
Successfully Applied For Off
You have applied for your off record successfully. Please approach your superiors to recommend/approve your off.
Not Enough Off
Not enough off for date(s) applied. Please check and ensure you have sufficient off in your balance.
Error: Unknown Type. Please try again.
For AM/PM Off applications, please ensure you have selected the same start/end dates.
Your end date is earlier than your start date. Please rectify.
Please make sure your application date is after today.
Successfully Applied For MA
MA record successfully applied. Please approach your superiors for approval.
No Rights To Access Page
Sorry, you do not have the rights to access the page.
No Records Found
There are no unrecommended/unapproved records at this time.
You have successfully administered a Force Clear Off.
Password updated successfully.
Passwords do not match
Please ensure that the passwords match.
Invalid Name
Please check and ensure First Name and Last Name do not contain numbers.
Invalid Email
Please check and ensure email formatting is correct
Username Taken
Username already taken. Please choose another username.
Successfully Applied NTM Off
NTM Off successfully applied.
Please check and ensure you do not key in the same user for different roles.
There is an error in the dates applied. Please check again.
(e.g. Date not set, Dates are the same, Dates are on a weekend)
You have applied for your department's MPOS successfully.
MPOS successfully approved.
MPOS successfully rejected.
Reset Password
Please key in your username and click on "Reset Password". Then, check with your administrator for your new password.
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